Enjoy 100% Ibérico tapas
One hundred percent Ibérico products are a fascinating world, even more so when we pair them with the cuisine. Actually, any 100% Ibérico foodie should know how to prepare the best recipes using this Iberian inspiration. This is why we’re launching our IBÉRICO TAPAS section. It’s a space where we will reinvent tapas as a new way of savoring 100% Ibérico products. They’re the perfect pairing to display all our passion for fine cuisine.
Do you want to become an Ibérico tapas chef? Let’s get started!

Tartare of Alta Expresión Dry-cured Acorn-fed 100% Ibérico Pork Ham
Ingredients for the yolks
• 4 fresh eggs
• 200 g of sugar
• 300 g of fine iodized salt
• Water
Ingredients for the tartare
• 300 g of COVAP Alta Expresión Dry-cured Acorn-fed 100% Ibérico Pork Ham
• 20 g of pickles
• 10 capers
• 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard
• 1 egg yolk • 100 g of chives
• Extra-virgin olive oil • Vinegar
To make the yolk:
To make the yolks, separate the sugar and salt into two equal parts. In a bowl, mix the first part of the sugar and salt very well, and then put the cleaned yolks (free of any embryo) on it. Then, put the second part of the sugar and salt in the same bowl on top of the yolks. Let the yolks sit for around 20 minutes, and then move them to another bowl to clean them. Once they are clean, set them aside on paper oiled with extra-virgin olive oil.
To make the tartare:
Cut the COVAP Alta Expresión Dry-cured Acorn-fed 100% Ibérico Pork Ham into cubes and set them aside. Mince the chives, capers, and pickles, and dress them with the Dijon mustard, vinegar, and extra-virgin olive oil.
Mix the ham and the chive mixture, and use a round mold to plate it. After you unmold it, carefully place the yolk on top of the tartare and serve it on a dish with toast.
1. Buy a high-quality product, like COVAP Alta Expresión Dry-cured Acorn-fed 100% Ibérico Pork Ham.
2. Serve the tartare with toast or glass bread.
3. Serve with a good Albariño or Verdejo wine.